It's a Family After All
By Eric & Wanda Hines
With the spirit of the antichrist roaming the land, it is evident that we are in a war. We are at war for our marriages, our children, and our salvation. The one area of concern now under attack is the family.
The core of the traditional family system has been characterized by the nuclear family consisting of husband, wife, and their own children. Today, even in the church, homes are being divided. We are using what God hates as a remedy. God hates divorce because, among other things, it causes the children to suffer. Due to our high divorce rate, boys and girls walk around bitter, and insecure while we have become the most matriarch nation on the planet. In today’s society there is no other institution so devastated and demoralized as the family. The family structure that has been a main stay in our society for centuries and has stabilized many cultures is now eroding. With many marriages in the church world ending in divorce, gaping holes are left in the lives of adults and children who carry baggage and hurt for many years without resolving issues until much later in life. This booklet, “It’s A Family After All”, focuses on the growing trend of husbands and wives coming together in marriage with children already born.
As a husband and a father of five children, I find there is no other way to raise God’s heritage outside of the word of God. When my wife and I married, she had two children and I had two. Faced with conflicts and insurmountable opposition, we quickly learned how to apply principles from the word of God to thwart the onslaught of the enemy. Regardless of how the family comes together, God has made provision for victory. In this booklet, reference is made to Satan as the enemy. I’m not glorifying him, but the Bible tells us to know our adversary. John 10:10 tells us that “the thief commeth not but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus) come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”. This scripture is inclusive of all aspects of life; it bars none. Somehow we have been lulled to sleep in the area of family responsibilities. Over time, we have forfeited our God given authority as parents and adults. We make attempts to raise our family according to worldly ideals and standards, which foster nothing but chaos and rebellion. Certainly if God has raised billions of children, what makes us think that what He writes in the Bible concerning family is fallible? It is my prayer in an attempt to encourage you through this book that you no longer allow the enemy to wreak havoc in your home. God has given you power over all works of the enemy. Take back what belongs to you. Amen.
___The Author
With the spirit of the antichrist roaming the land, it is evident that we are in a war. We are at war for our marriages, our children, and our salvation. The one area of concern now under attack is the family.
The core of the traditional family system has been characterized by the nuclear family consisting of husband, wife, and their own children. Today, even in the church, homes are being divided. We are using what God hates as a remedy. God hates divorce because, among other things, it causes the children to suffer. Due to our high divorce rate, boys and girls walk around bitter, and insecure while we have become the most matriarch nation on the planet. In today’s society there is no other institution so devastated and demoralized as the family. The family structure that has been a main stay in our society for centuries and has stabilized many cultures is now eroding. With many marriages in the church world ending in divorce, gaping holes are left in the lives of adults and children who carry baggage and hurt for many years without resolving issues until much later in life. This booklet, “It’s A Family After All”, focuses on the growing trend of husbands and wives coming together in marriage with children already born.
As a husband and a father of five children, I find there is no other way to raise God’s heritage outside of the word of God. When my wife and I married, she had two children and I had two. Faced with conflicts and insurmountable opposition, we quickly learned how to apply principles from the word of God to thwart the onslaught of the enemy. Regardless of how the family comes together, God has made provision for victory. In this booklet, reference is made to Satan as the enemy. I’m not glorifying him, but the Bible tells us to know our adversary. John 10:10 tells us that “the thief commeth not but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus) come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”. This scripture is inclusive of all aspects of life; it bars none. Somehow we have been lulled to sleep in the area of family responsibilities. Over time, we have forfeited our God given authority as parents and adults. We make attempts to raise our family according to worldly ideals and standards, which foster nothing but chaos and rebellion. Certainly if God has raised billions of children, what makes us think that what He writes in the Bible concerning family is fallible? It is my prayer in an attempt to encourage you through this book that you no longer allow the enemy to wreak havoc in your home. God has given you power over all works of the enemy. Take back what belongs to you. Amen.
___The Author
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