Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Successful Family

A successful family is not determined by the number of years together or the social economic status achieved. Rather a successful family is determined by the quality of life and experiences that foster joy and cohesiveness that produces healthy relationships. Eccl. 2:24-26 and 3:12 lets us know that we should enjoy everything God gives us because it is a gift. "People who play together, stay together." Lack of play and enjoyment in family produces conflict. Conflict is when expectation meets reality and produces anything other than the joy God intended. It is interesting to watch nature and see animals play together. What happens to adults that we stop playing and enjoying the fullness of life? It is all vain. Playing and having fun in family reduces conflict, builds relationships, and reveals commonalities that causes us to focus on likes versus dislikes. In Psalms 100 God gives us the blue print for happiness. Money is not the answer, rather we must become as little children trusting that God is our friend and His word is yeah and amen.

Be well