Sunday, November 28, 2010

Come Out From Among Them

According to II Corinthians 5:17 we have been freed from the old way of life. In II Corinthians 6:14 Paul was not encouraging isolation from unbelievers. Rather he was discouraging compromise with their sinful practices and values. As believers we must maintain integrity as we live in this world. This is what Jesus Christ did when He was here on Earth. We must be sober (self disciplined) and vigilant (alert to the spiritual pitfalls) in order to successfully navigate this life. The enemy's biggest weapon is to keep us functioning in carnality; relying solely on our senses. Your history develops your character in order to catapult you into your future. You can't determine your future by your history. Your history does not have to follow you into your future unless you know that it leads to kingdom success. What does not benefit the kingdom, let it remain in your history.

Be well,
Pastor Hines

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Successful Family

A successful family is not determined by the number of years together or the social economic status achieved. Rather a successful family is determined by the quality of life and experiences that foster joy and cohesiveness that produces healthy relationships. Eccl. 2:24-26 and 3:12 lets us know that we should enjoy everything God gives us because it is a gift. "People who play together, stay together." Lack of play and enjoyment in family produces conflict. Conflict is when expectation meets reality and produces anything other than the joy God intended. It is interesting to watch nature and see animals play together. What happens to adults that we stop playing and enjoying the fullness of life? It is all vain. Playing and having fun in family reduces conflict, builds relationships, and reveals commonalities that causes us to focus on likes versus dislikes. In Psalms 100 God gives us the blue print for happiness. Money is not the answer, rather we must become as little children trusting that God is our friend and His word is yeah and amen.

Be well

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Life is filled with daily choices. From the beginning, God has always given us the opportunity to make choices. Some refer to this as a free will. The challenging thing about choices is that they affect others as well as ourselves. The beautiful thing about God is that often in the midst of our bad choices, God still gives us a second chance. One example of making good choices is the story of J

oseph in Potifar's house (Genesis 39). There are challenges that hinder us from making good choices.
1. Following your flesh
2. Who you associate with
3. Trying to relieve the past

In order to make good choices, one cannot follow their heart. One must lead their heart by following the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is our GPS system. Sometimes when making the right choice, it may appear initially that everything seems all wrong. When Joseph made the choice to run from Potifar's wife, it landed him in prison. But even in prison, God was in the midst and gave him favor in that situation. Make the choice today to allow Jesus to make your pathway straight and trust in Him with all of your heart.

Be well,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Giving Your Time and Talent to the Kingdom

Friends of God! What a wonderful privilege to have this kind of relationship with God. No relationship can grow without investment of time. The same is true with our friendship with God. It's not just a matter of praying and reading but also giving time into his kingdom. When you give your time to anything, you are serving that thing. Serving will always be distressing, require reassessing, and be a blessing. The unfortunate thing is after we give time to something or somebody, we think we are entitled to preferential treatment. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a leader, the higher we grow in the pyramid of leadership, the fewer rights we have. Also the higher we grow, the more responsibilities we have. One cannot be a leader if they are not willing to serve people. This is what Jesus did when he was on earth. Your time given to God or others is the denial of yourself.

In the area of giving your talent to the Kingdom, the key is relinquishing the abilities that you have and the talents given into the kingdom for God's use. Most of us spent a great deal of our time serving the enemy. Today we will decide for the days we have left that we declare that our talent belongs to God. We typically look at talents in the area of performing. We don't look at our abilities as talents for Kingdom use. We have purpose for our use of talents even in the work place. David gave his talents to God that later was multiplied by God. He practiced playing the harp, walking in excellence, having courage, and being a warrior; even before he met Goliath or Saul. In John 6:5-13 the little boy came with a lunch and prepared to eat. Your preparation for life is in the development of your talents. Your talents and abilities are what you eat from. The smartest thing anyone will ever do is prepare for the future. God asked the little boy for his most valuable possession; his lunch. Your most valuable possessions is not your money or real estate. Your abilities are the most valuable thing you own. We have no idea how hard it was to release what he had, but we can assume, 1.) he would have preferred to keep it, 2.) he trusted Andrew not to take advantage of him, 3.) he believed they would feed him too. Whatever you Give God changes and multiplies. Our talents can produce much more if we can release them into the Kingdom. God always returns to us what we give to Him. Be blessed and encouraged.

Pastor Hines

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Leading Your Heart

God constantly tells us to lead parts of our body and the heart is no exception. Your heart is your identity; it's the real you. Proverbs 27:19 says that, "The heart of man reflects man." Everything begins with the mind. What's in your heart determines what is pure or polluted when it gets there. The mind refers to the seat or center of human emotions. The heart refers to your intellect and will. The heart is where you ponder things; your core. No amount of painting on the outside changes the value of the rotten interior. Following your heart apart from God's leading is a new age philosophy. We hear people say all the time to follow your heart, do what your heart tells you. Following your heart usually means chasing after whatever feels good or right at the time. Proverbs 28:26 states, "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool". The Bible declares that the heart is deceitfully wicked above all who can know it? Why would one follow something so wicked?

What's wrong with following your heart?
1. It's foolish
2. It's unreliable
3. It's corrupt

Proverbs 23:19 tells us to lead your heart, take full responsibility for its condition and direction. Proverbs 23:26 tells us to guide your heart. God will place skills and abilities in your heart that He wants to develope for His glory. How do I lead or guide my heart? First, understand that your heart follows whatever you invest in. Whatever you pour your time, money, and energy into will draw your heart. When you stopped investing, your heart followed. This is true in any relationship, job, church, or endeavor. This is especially true in marriage. When you stop investing in your spouse your heart follows causing you to say things like, "I don't feel in love anymore. Secondly, check your heart. Know what has your heart right now. You can tell by looking at where your investing has gone. Next, guard your heart. Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Next, set your heart. Colossians 3:1 tells us to set our heart on things above. You choose to take your heart off of what is wrong and set it on what is right. Lastly, invest your heart. Don't wait until you feel like doing the right thing. Like an investment, you deposit before you see the results. Faith is our transportation system as believers; it's how we get from place to place in the Kingdom of God.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Your Attitude Determines Your Actions: Luke 7:36

Attitude is the first thing people notice about you. Attitude is the precursor to anger. Attitude is the warning sign that alerts you that you need to make a choice. Your attitude which prompts your actions reveals a true picture of your heart condition. Attitude + Action = Assignment. Success comes from an attitude to apply the Word of God you your life. Your willingness to apply the Word determines the level of success in your life. Often times the church has a problem with people God decides to use. Jesus raises up and uses people that we cast away. Even though the woman in this story is a sinner (harlot) she showed her true feelings and honored Jesus. The Pharisee on the other hand knew the customs and law but failed to apply the word to his life. The Pharisee's sins were minimal but his love was also minimal. The woman knew she had been forgiven much, therefore her love was much. Jesus knew the reputation of the woman, but was more interested in what the woman could become through the grace of God. So it is with us. Stop spending so much time looking in the rear view mirror of your life. Spend more time looking through the panoramic view of the windshield. Where you are going is far greater than where you have been. It's o.k. to glance in the rear view mirror of your past but don't get stuck there. If you do you will crash into something. God has great things in store for you regardless of what your past looks like. Walk in your Kingdom success by having a Kingdom attitude.

Be well,
Pastor Hines

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rule Your Anger, Genesis 4:3-8

Anger is a natural emotion that affects us all. In Ephesians 4:26-26 the Bible tells us to be angry but sin not. Proverbs 29:11 states that, "A fool gives full vent to anger but a wise person quietly holds it back". Here are some questions that we can answer to see if we have an anger problem:
1. Do we often blow our top?
2. Do you use anger to control people?
3. Does it give you satisfaction to know that people are afraid of you?
4. Are your immediate family members afraid of you?
5. Do your angry outbursts ever turn physical?

As believers we have a responsibility to analyze our anger to see what it's made of and where it comes from. Anger is addictive. Just like a drug, anger is an adrenaline rush and creates a feeling of invincibility. We have to be honest with ourselves in order to be fully delivered from the destruction of anger. It is the nature of an addict to live in denial. Anger must be intensified in order to maintain its effectiveness. Hollering and screaming will work for a while. When we realize that it does not have the same affect, one tends to escalate their anger to achieve the same result of dominance and control. Anger produces collateral damage. Innocent people are wounded as a result of your anger. Like a bomb, any time an explosion happens, you can run the risk of doing more damage than you intended. People who use anger as a tool can be very successful by world's standards, but you leave a trail of tears. Lastly, anger stunts your Spiritual growth. You can never grow stronger than your biggest weakness. Anger can poison virtually all of your relationships. You will end up trying to make vengence yours instead of it being God's.

Be well,
Pastor Hines

Monday, May 3, 2010

Joyfest 2010

CFC will be making a trip to Carowinds!


$33 (group of 15 or more)

$38 (regular advance price)

$51 (day of event)

If interested, contact Kamilah Pleasants at (336)908-9661 or

For more information on Joyfest,
click here

Sunday, May 2, 2010

God's Boundaries (Judges 13: 1-14)

Boundaries are designed to keep us on track and out of trouble. Boundaries are a fact of life. From the moment we are born, we are wrapped in a blanket, and placed in a playpen. We are told to go to our room, go to bed, be home by eleven, or not go to a paticular party we may like. God allows boundaries to placed on us simply because he loves us and does not want us to spiral downward toward destruction. Samson had godly parents who did their best to raise him according to instructions given (Judges 13:5). The first few years of Samson's life were uneventful but by age 20, he had slipped into some dangerous behaviors. God made Samson and fully understood his personality and makeup. Like Samson, God made us and knows the lust within us that can easily draw us away from kingdom purpose, thus causing us to spin out of control. Do not be upset when it seems that you are not able to do some of the things that others do. Boundaries have been placed on your life to keep you from being shackled, shamed, and ridiculed. Instead, remember the joy of living within God's boundaries and rejoice in the mercy and grace of God's forgiveness. Be encouraged and Be well.

Pastors Hines

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Faith Unlocks The Promises

Faith is the transportation system in the Kingdom of God. Faith is how we travel from glory to glory and receive the promises God has for us. Faith is simply trust in God. The better you know Him, the more you trust Him. Trust becomes real when it's established over time. Faith grows when you exercise it. Faith is released by the Word of God. Declare what God says. The lady who had an issue of blood for twelve years testified of Jesus's greatness-she spoke faith. The focus was not on Jesus's power or anointing, rather her faith. The power, who is Jesus, can be present, but if your faith does not connect to the power, nothing happens. Nothing happens until you apply faith to the power (Jesus). Regardless of your issues or your state in life, find your way to Jesus. Activate your faith by what you say and do. Faith without works is dead being alone. Be encouraged and know that Jesus loves you just as you are.

Be well,
Pastors Hines

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hold On, Change Is Coming

"Hold On, Change Is Coming"

We can plan for change, accept change, or try to delay change. But change is still coming. How we live through change depends on our attitude concerning change. Change should not always be looked upon as a bad thing. Our willingness to accept and embrace change can produce Kingdom success in our lives.

When you are through changing, you are through.
Be encouraged.

Compassion is the Heart of God

Compassion is the Heart of God
Luke 15: 11-32

Compassion causes one to feel the pain of others and look past their limitations or faults to meet a need. From a leader’s perspective it is being able to tell the truth with kindness. Jesus demonstrated compassion throughout the scriptures by meeting the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of multitudes of people. Aren’t you glad that when you were yet a sinner, Jesus loved you and died for you? He loves you just as you are right now. Lamentations 3:22 declares, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” Compassion is the heart of God.

It's a Family After All

It's a Family After All
By Eric & Wanda Hines


With the spirit of the antichrist roaming the land, it is evident that we are in a war. We are at war for our marriages, our children, and our salvation. The one area of concern now under attack is the family.
The core of the traditional family system has been characterized by the nuclear family consisting of husband, wife, and their own children. Today, even in the church, homes are being divided. We are using what God hates as a remedy. God hates divorce because, among other things, it causes the children to suffer. Due to our high divorce rate, boys and girls walk around bitter, and insecure while we have become the most matriarch nation on the planet. In today’s society there is no other institution so devastated and demoralized as the family. The family structure that has been a main stay in our society for centuries and has stabilized many cultures is now eroding. With many marriages in the church world ending in divorce, gaping holes are left in the lives of adults and children who carry baggage and hurt for many years without resolving issues until much later in life. This booklet, “It’s A Family After All”, focuses on the growing trend of husbands and wives coming together in marriage with children already born.
As a husband and a father of five children, I find there is no other way to raise God’s heritage outside of the word of God. When my wife and I married, she had two children and I had two. Faced with conflicts and insurmountable opposition, we quickly learned how to apply principles from the word of God to thwart the onslaught of the enemy. Regardless of how the family comes together, God has made provision for victory. In this booklet, reference is made to Satan as the enemy. I’m not glorifying him, but the Bible tells us to know our adversary. John 10:10 tells us that “the thief commeth not but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus) come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”. This scripture is inclusive of all aspects of life; it bars none. Somehow we have been lulled to sleep in the area of family responsibilities. Over time, we have forfeited our God given authority as parents and adults. We make attempts to raise our family according to worldly ideals and standards, which foster nothing but chaos and rebellion. Certainly if God has raised billions of children, what makes us think that what He writes in the Bible concerning family is fallible? It is my prayer in an attempt to encourage you through this book that you no longer allow the enemy to wreak havoc in your home. God has given you power over all works of the enemy. Take back what belongs to you. Amen.

___The Author

Sunday, April 11, 2010

(S.O.S.) Saving Our Sons

Come join in fellowship with the men of Christian Family Center to receive a word of encouragement in addressing issues that men go through on a daily basis.